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About Snow

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行成立于1888年,当时是由教会成员创建的桑皮特学院 of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In 1900 it was renamed Snow Academy in honor 洛伦佐·斯诺,耶稣基督后期圣徒教会主席,以及 他的堂兄伊拉斯图斯在定居桑皮特山谷方面发挥了重要作用.

在七年的时间里,该机构又经历了三次更名. In 1917, the academy era ended and the school became Snow Normal College. In 1922, officials 更名为雪专科学校,一年后更名为雪学院. 1931年,耶稣基督后期圣徒教会从雪学院剥离 and it became a state supported institution.

多年来,雪学院一直是教育,艺术,音乐和体育 center of Central Utah. Encouraged by Snow's high academic standards and dedication 为了追求知识,成千上万的毕业生继续获得更高的学位 at colleges and universities throughout the country. Thousands of others have graduated 从雪充分准备在各种领域找到工作.

The Basics 

•斯诺值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台于犹他州的六县地区,包括:Juab, Millard, Piute, Sanpete, Sevier and Wayne Counties. However, students from the Wasatch Front and throughout Utah attend and are welcome at Snow College


      •以法莲校区包括26栋建筑- 14栋学术建筑,占地82英亩
      •位于以法莲校区-埃克尔斯表演艺术中心(89,000平方英尺). ft including 音乐厅和剧院),活动中心(体育活动,包括游泳, 为校园和社区),艺术画廊位于人文大楼和诺伊斯 Building (oldest building on campus was restored in 1999).
      • Richfield campus comprises 7 buildings on 56 acres
      • Found on Richfield campus – Sevier Valley Center (139,000 sq. ft. including an indoor 体育馆、剧院和教室)和行政大楼——这两种设施都被使用 extensively for conferences
      •网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行有6位院长,管理6个学部和35个系,包括: Business & Technology, Fine Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Social & Behavioral Science and Career Technology Education
      • Approxiatmely 350 faculty and staff


      • 5,100+ undergraduates
      • 55% female
      • 45% male

College Profile

位于犹他州中部美丽的山边桑皮特山谷的以法莲 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行位于普罗沃南部,从那时起就一直是许多学生的理想之地 its founding by Mormon pioneers in 1888. Every year, over 5,000 students attend Snow 目标是转入四年制大学或毕业后进入职场 获得音乐学士学位、副学士学位或众多证书之一 offered at the college.

由于斯诺的学生规模较小,学生们得到了更多的个人关注 and specialized help from professors and advisors. The result is Snow students are 在犹他大学的四年制大学里,他比其他任何大三学生都更成功 college in the state.

雪学院的使命——教育学生,激发他们热爱学习 而要带领他们去服务,没有优秀的师资力量是无法完成的. 与4年制大学的教授不同,雪教授不受研究的束缚. 这使得Snow教师能够专注于教学,并确保学生获得 他们在学术和专业上需要的知识和技能.

斯诺为学生提供了丰富的学习领域——从会计学到动物学,并且已经发展起来 在科学等领域被大学同事誉为“最先进的”, premed and music.

斯诺大学的科学系在全国享有卓越的声誉. For example, 在过去的七年里,38名斯诺学生参加了药学学院的入学考试 Test. 其中25人得分在95%或更高(7人得分99%)。. Thirty-one have been accepted into pharmacy schools.

斯诺大学是全国协会认证的仅有的23所两年制大学之一 美国音乐学院中唯一的两年制学校 Utah. 这意味着斯诺霍恩音乐学院符合同样的国家标准 作为认可的四年制学院和大学的前两年.
斯诺霍恩音乐学院有12个学生表演团体,包括5个合唱团, three bands and two jazz ensembles.

2005年,国家戏剧学校协会授予斯诺的戏剧艺术 department full accreditation and membership. NAST has approximately 143 accredited 机构成员并制定国家本科、研究生标准 degrees and other credentials. Snow College joins Brigham Young University as the 是犹他州唯一的其他nast认证机构,也是仅有的四所大专院校之一 to achieve NAST accreditation. Snow’s theatre arts program produces four plays a year.

Student Life
斯诺大学90%的学生住在学生宿舍或校外公寓. 幸运的是,斯诺为寻求领导力、学术、 athletic, musical or simply social experiences. There are over 43 student organizations, 18 academic clubs and 12 performance groups. Snow also offers 15 intramural sports 可供选择的康乐设施包括游泳、网球、 racquetball, dance, bowling and weightlifting. Nearly all Snow students participate 至少参加一项活动,从学生会到校内体育到 KAGE radio club.

雪为校队提供足球、男子篮球、女子篮球和女子篮球 volleyball and women’s softball. In 1985, Snow’s football team won the national championship and has since won several bowl games. This year, the football team enters the season ranked eighth in the prominent junior college football poll. The men’s and women’s 篮球队联合起来赢得了好几次联赛冠军. In 2003-04, the men’s 这支篮球队在风景西部体育大会常规赛中并列冠军.

亲密的学习环境,优秀的教学,课程,学生生活, 设施以犹他州最实惠的价格提供. Compare 其他学校的学费,杂费和生活费,你会发现斯诺是 best educational value anywhere. To further reduce the cost of education, Snow offers scholarships, financial aid and campus employment. For more information about costs and scholarships please call 1-800-848-3399 or visit


网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行邀请学生来参加“最好的两年制转学”活动 institution in the nation.”